Sunday, March 2, 2008

10 Reasons Why I Chose Not To Vote For BN

1. They have been ruling for the past 50 years!! Boring lar!!
2. They spoilt the "Balance of Power" system, by meddling into the Judiciary branch as well.
3. They control the mainstream media, which suppress professional and transparent journalism.
4. They made the police force to look more like their bodyguards, ie. suppressing peaceful rally by BERSIH, HINDRAF and lawyers.
5. NEP still exists despite achieving its objectives and condemned those who questioned it!
6. Component parties like MIC, MCA, Gerakan are UMNO's "yes men".
7. Opposition may not have sufficient track record, therefore they deserve an opportunity.
8. Federal funds wasted on programs like Space Tourism, proposing overseas sports training complex, rebranding Mat Rempit!!
9. They disallowed oppositions to do street demos & gatherings, but they themselves can gather to even burn flags of other nations!
10. The past 4 years sucks!! Too bad that some people didn't remember much about it!!

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